Så här säger några av våra kunder:
We had a superb visit last week in Emmaboda and in Stockholm! We had just very positive feedback from the participants: they have been amazed how professionally the programme was prepared and organized.
The preparation of the visit and the local execution was a key element of this success and this praise your excellence!
Many-many thanks for your special support!
Xylem Hungary
Thank you Carina... there are not many agencies with whom I have worked who are as organized and concerned as CVIEW.. Your arrangements make my Group Trips work as flawlessly as possible.
Tack sa mycket!
Våra säljbolag och distributörer runt om i världen har under många år anlitat CVIEW's tjänster för sina kundbesök till Sverige. Har man anlitat CVIEW kan vi känna oss säkra på att kunderna är nöjda och glada när de anländer till oss.
Vi kan också känna oss säkra på att de får en vistelse i Sverige som överens stämmer med deras förväntningar. Det är ett nöje att sammarbeta med CVIEW beträffande våra kundbesök till Sverige.
Best regards / Hälsningar
Market Communication, Project Manager, Visitor Service, XYLEM
I like to thank you again for all your help for Ersta and Vasa event.
Also the next day still some guests and partners came to our booth telling me how nice both events were and about the excellent selection of both locations we made.
Let's hope EASD will return back to Stockholm in a couple of years, and we have a chance to work together again.
Best regards,
Senior Scientific Manager, ARKRAY Europe B.V.
“Carina Hiller and her staff have always done a complete and professional job when developing local hotel, dining and transportation arrangements. I am very well pleased with C VIEW as a travel agent.”
Thanks a lot for the perfect organization. It was just great. Wonderful hotel. The meals were very good even we had some problems to find Korrö restaurant. We enjoyed our trip.”
Hi Carina
Thanks a lot for the perfect organization. The trip was fruitful and very pleasant and everything went perfectly well
Cheers from France